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The REACH deadline for registering existing substances manufactured or imported in quantities from 1 to 100 tonnes per year was on 31 May 2018.

By that date, 5 435 companies submitted 33 363 registration dossiers to ECHA. 28 323 of these dossiers have been completed and companies have received their registration numbers. 5 040 are still being processed by ECHA.

When performing registration, every substance has to be checked and examine using multiple spectrums and analysis results, they have to be cross checked with other member’s submission. Also, different toxicity and hazardous information should be collected according to the intended tonnage. For the tasks are extremely time consuming and often tens of thousands of Euros are requires for registration of a single substance, many company would simply give up on doing REACh.

Taiwan Surfactant has successfully registered multiple products for REACh, so that our customers in Europe could rest assured that the quality products from us are in compliance with the latest regulation and could safely import to Europe.

For more information about REACh, please check;